Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Mysterious Creatures Project :: A Multi-Cultural Adventure

When I was a young boy, (before my interest in skateboards or girls) I liked to collect insects, play with Legos, and draw pictures of dinosaurs. When I went to school my very first book report was on the “Loch Ness” monster. I was so intrigued by this mysterious creature, and would spend hours in the library looking for info on its possible existence. After that report I wanted more than anything, for Nessie to be real, and wondered what other mysteries of nature existed in other parts of the world. What became so exciting for me wasn’t just the elusive creature, but the search itself...

When my wife and I found out we were having our first son Jonah, I was inspired to do something with some old sketches I had of Bigfoot, the Loch-Ness monster, and giant squids. I wanted to create a unique brand that would nurture his curiosity in other cultures and embrace his creativity. The sketchpad concept shortly evolved into a new collection of multi-cultural, iconic, graphical characters from 16 different countries. What’s so fascinating about these 16 creatures is that fact that some are scientifically proven and some are yet to be discovered, but all of them are iconic to their country or region and have fascinating stories behind them.

I also wanted to create a hip kid’s brand that was socially responsible and could help support some worthy causes like CommonThreadz.org… We’re currently working on a program that will truly engage both the consumer and the retailer in making a difference in the lives of impoverished children globally.

Stay tuned for some great new products from the Mysterious Creatures™ project, including coloring books, a travel game, organic wood puzzle sets, kids clothing and some custom graphic textiles… (Travel game set to debut this summer, and be available in specialty boutiques by Christmas)… Check out MysteriousCreaturesPlay.com for more info and project updates….

Mysterious Creatures™ and all associated logos and illustrations are trademarks of DenHerder Design. ©2010 DenHerder Design LLC